Making a popular blog is a dream of every blogger , But still only few bloggers are able to achieve there goal .
Have You every wondered , WHY ? .
Because of Lack of Proper Guidance and Patience and Correct Strategy. I myself was always searching about ways about getting attention in my niche . With the course of time , i have learn different ways to make my content noticed . So today i am sharing a few tips with by which you can reach your goal right away.
1. Writing Style :
You need to follow specific formula about writing blog post. There are many aspects on which you can work upon to Gain attention in Your niche .
# Write In a Friendly Manner. Write as if you are talking to your readers . Your content should reveal that you are not only interested in providing them information but are eagerly willing to solve there issues. This will help to create a bond between your reader and they’ll likely to return to your blog again and again Because they will see at your blog as a place where they will get their problems solved in a quick and reliable manner . This way you Will get Recognition . I would say it is the only way to make a successful blog .
# Follow the “Rule Of Simplicity” . In your article try not to use technical language . Using technical language is known as “Technical Jargon. Using technical language makes your article tough to read and thus discourages the reader to read it .
It just like asking an economist to read the books of medical science . So keep your article simple in language. Make your Blog a place where people can understand things in a simplified manner. This way your blog will be reader friendly and they are likely to approach to your blog on a regular basis. This way, you will Develop Positive Goodwill on the web .
# Write Knowledgeable and deep article. From deep , I Mean that articles should talk about each and every aspect of the topic you are writing on.
Ask Yourself ” Why do People Go to Wikipedia? You Know the Answer Yourself. Wikipedia provides deep knowledge about the topic . This is the main quality because of which Wikipedia gained lots of Popularity .
Writing this way will definitely make you known among people as they will get everything about a topic at a single place. This will ease them and they are likely to consider your blog as one of the most amazing blog in the Blogosphere. This way you can attract Huge Attention .
2.Choose Easy To Remember Domain Name:
Choose a domain name that people can easily retain in their minds .
# The domain name should be simple and short. Do not use domain name which is too long and complex . The name of the domain should be taken from the basic vocabulary that almost every human can understand .
Also Domain Name should be Short. This makes the readers to remember your domain name. If the visitor visits your website and then forgets your domain without bookmarking your domain then you will loose a potential customer . The true example in Front of us is by Brian Dean. The Domain name used by Brian is Simple , straight and short . This Makes His domain name more retaining . Thus proper domain name will help your blog to get attention
Before we Move Further To next Tip (Understand This Fact ) !!
Backlinko is one of the most popular blog in the field of Search Engine Optimization . Almost every blogger Visits and Knows This website only for 2 Reasons :
The content and knowledge that backlinko provides is deep and outstanding. People are able to get all the amazing things at a single place.
The domain name is easy to remember. Every visitor who visits backlinko can easily remember the domain name and thus it become easy for him to visit him whenever he wants.
Amazing and deep Content and Easy Domain Name Play a Significant Role In High Popularity of Backlinko and can contribute to your popularity too.
Keeping Everything Aside, By Focusing only on Above Two Points , You can easily open The Doors To Popularity.
3. Develop Relations With Bloggers In Your Niche :
You cannot do blogging in an isolated matter . You need to socialise yourself . Not developing proper relation with other bloggers is the most common blogging mistake. Establish good relations with the bloggers In Your Niche. This will play a big hand in building your popularity . Let me show you how :
# If you Have good relations with bloggers in your niche then you can easily convince them to allow you to guest post on their blog . This way you can express yourself in front of their audience . You will be able to put your work in front of well established audience . Thus by posting good content while guest posting you can develop a reputation among the audience of the blog on which you are guest posting on.
Always Remember: While writing an article for your blog , give your 100% . But while writing Guest Posts Give Your 500%.
# Having Good relations with the bloggers in your niche can help you understand your competition .It will help you understand that what other bloggers in your niche are doing to make their blogs popular. It will help you learn about the Trending Topics in Your Niche .
# Writing Deep and Knowledgeable Articles about trending topics and sharing them with these bloggers will help your earn respect for your blog and for yourself . This is how you will become popular in your niche . Other bloggers will start following your blog . This is something , we are working on 🙂
For quick popularity , knowing fellow bloggers is very important .
4. Increase Social Media Presence :
Do You Have A facebook Page For Your Blog ?
Do you have a Twitter handle for your blog ?
If not Create It Today . Social Media is the quickest way to get popular . Social media presence equips a business or blog to put its articles in front of interested audience on a large scale. My previous blog was on education . For that blog i created a page name “General knowledge facts and current affairs ” . After promoting , i was able to get 16563 likes in an year. (unfortunately i had to discontinue that blog due to which my fb page as well as my blog ranking got down) This means 16563 real people liked my page . 16563 is just a small number , you can get millions of followers .
We can never neglect the power of social media .
Act now !!!
Create Social media accounts such as Facebook page for your blog , twitter handle and start sharing it with millions of users . Put Social media buttons so that your visitors can make use of them for connecting with you.
Always remember !! A single like , follower etc is a living visitors who wants to read your blog . Every Visitor is important and you should aim to capture as many visitors as you can .
The more social media followers you have , the more quickly you can reach the audience. The more the people will read the Mind blowing , deep and knowledgeable articles on your blog , the more will be the increase in the readership of your blog.
5. Help others on Forums
Join the forums related to your niche and respond to the queries of the other members of the forum . Gaining reputation and popularity through this method will take time but believe me , It Works !!!
Below , I’m giving a correct method by which you can make your blog popular by this approach :
Whenever you find any query on the forum , respond immediately , Provide the best possible answer to the query . Doing This will give you a place in the list of elite members of the Forum .
Remember during answering , Never ask the person to read your blog post which can solve his/her issue, just give a written answer. Otherwise , The admins of the forum may think that you are trying to promote your post and they many warn or block you .
After Giving the answer on the forum , wait for the person to reply with ” Thanks or further query” . Then add the person on facebook .
Sounds Interesting ?
The above strategy will help you gain those people who will respect your knowledge and will always be willing to approach you in case of any doubt to them . Always try your best to solve their issues and problems.
This way , you and your blog would get recognition and attention ..
6. Blog Regularly And Frequently
Have You ever wondered why blogs like Mashable and Tech-crunch etc are so popular . Regularity and Frequency of posting is a major reason responsible for their popularity . By posting regularly , they provide updated information to their readers on the regular basis.
Due to frequent Posting , They receive multiple hits from the same user in a day . This is key . When people visit you frequently , they start Recognising you . People expect to see something valuable every moment . People are hungry of information .
Imaginea Blog in Blogging Niche , Where you get a well detailed articles such as tutorials , case studies , seo tips etc every hour . Wont you visit that blog multiple times a day .
Yes You will .
Isnt It..?
Start Updating Your Blog Today with quality content .. This is a great way to make your blog popular .
NOTE : Here we took the example of mashable .. Mashable has a complete office with staff . Their have writers employed to produce content regularly . So I am not asking to post as they do . Post according to your ability but post regularly .
7. Write Tutorials and Case Studies
Majority of people come online to find solutions of their problems .
Why not help them to find solutions to their problems ?
Post Detailed tutorials . People will find your blog useful and will return again and again with an urge to find the solutions to their problems . Also People find case studies and tutorials interesting . Thus such content will get attention by your readers . This will help to increase your blog readership .
Wider the readership , higher will be your popularity .
8. Set Up An Auto-Responder
Setting up an Auto-responder plays a great role in making your blog popular . Everytime You Write a Post , Your readers will get an email reminding them about you and your new blog post .
# Autoresponder nurtures the relations between the blogger and the readers . Its one of the best method to Reach you customers . The more email contacts you have in your auto responder , the more people will be notified everytime , you posts a new Article . It will lead to high traffic + Far wider readership. It is very efficient way to drive traffic to your blog. The autoresponder is like a jewel of a blog . As the time passes , more and more readers enters into your list which can be transformed into potential customers .
# Try to add email subscription box. below every post . Its like giving water to someone after he finished eating his food . After reading your arts article , the person is most like to subscribe to your mailing list . The more , suubscriber you have , the more loyal customers you have . This is definately open the gates to popularity to your blog .
Thus Act today and buy an autoresponder !!!
9. Design
Design of your blog should be attractive and user friendly . Human beings like beautiful things . visitors would love to read your blog if the design is attractive .
# Make Your blog , easy nagivatable. Add popular post or related post widget in your blog , So that people may find your other blog posts easily and would even read more on your blog .
# There should be proper author box in your blog . This proves that this blog is run by a genuine person and thus people are more likely to trust your content . Always add the link to your social media account in your author bio . This way , people will be more willing to connect with you.
This will improve your blog;s readership
10. Understand The Power Of Asking
# Ask people to like , share and comment on your content . Make an humble request to the readers at the end of the article to give their feedback by commenting ..
This way , readers would be more involved in your blog .
# Also ask people to share our content if they find your content interesting . The more shares you will get , the more more visitors you will get .
This way , soon your blog will be known blog in your niche.
11. Give Something for Free
We all love free things . isnt it ? People always search for getting useful things for free. Make Use of this . Give something value , for free to your readers .
# Every successful blogger always provide something valuable for free to their readers .

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