The emergence of information technology has spawned a tremendous impact in the way people view the world. Never has the universe become so vast, with the limitless opportunities that have been made available to virtually everyone and paradoxically, so small with the wide-reaching access the web has provided for people across the globe. It becomes no surprise then that blogs have surged forth and has benefited bloggers with money-making ventures online.
Creating top class blog & Promoting it to make money online requires ingenuity and bloggers should have the smarts to capture visitors’ attention.
Here is a brief description of ways on how to promote your blogs and make money online.
Stay Connected
Actively engage in the blogging community by enlisting with blog directories. Through membership to these blog networks, you get to interact with other bloggers all over the world. Building up on contacts ensures wider marketability thus creating more public awareness and interest in your blog.
Social Linkages
There are plenty of social networking sites which you can hook up with and engage in active promotion. These sites are fundamental for you to forge ties with the world as millions of people worldwide are subscribers. Each social media is equipped with its built-in process on how to promote blogs using their sites. On a more personal account, beginner bloggers can aggressively pursue contacts through social networking sites and help spread the word through other contact base.
Email Marketing
Another way of promoting your blog to make money online is through the use of email marketing where you campaign for your blog through correspondence. Obviously, the more addresses you have, the higher is the probable turn-out of visitors in your blog spot. Bloggers need to reach out to as many people as possible to churn out those pay-outs.
Go Video
Posting your blog in popular video sites is another surefire way of increasing traffic in your blog. This method should be seriously considered by bloggers as a significant number of successes have been generated by video postings all over the globe. The hits that you will gather guarantee increased attention from other web users.
Participate in Forums
Be involved in forums and provide people with links to help them with their concerns. Be creative in the process and find an avenue where you can also promote your blog and make money online as well.
The key to effectively market your blog spot and make money online lies in constantly and patiently looking for paths to bolster your traffic with enthusiasm and determination.
How To Make Money From Blogging
Some people think that blogging is just a way to express one’s self by sharing their knowledge, ideas and experiences. If you have the time and the passion for blogging, though, you can turn your blog, regardless of your topic or theme, into a serious source of income. You don’t even have to be a veteran blogger with a ton of existing content to start making money with your blog. Here are some tips and suggestions on how to make money from blogging.
Sell Advertising
This is the most popular way of generating money using a blog. In this money making option, you offer certain areas of your blog pages as ad space. It would definitely help if your blog is a popular one because if that is the case, advertisers will come to you instead of you looking for advertisers and seeking companies who will be interested in using your blog for their marketing efforts. It would be good if you follow the standard sizes of web advertisements so you can set an appropriate area size for your ad spaces. This way, it would be easier for you to attract advertisers. If your blog is not popular enough or does not produce impressive monthly visitor statistics, you can sign up for ad programs like Google AdSense. In this program, you only need to set your ad spaces in your blog pages and copy-paste your unique AdSense tracking code and Google AdSense will take care of the rest. Whether you go this route or you get advertisers for your blog, you must be careful in your ad placements. You do not want the ads to be obtrusive to your contents. If you put too much ads on your blog, it may distract visitors from your actual content and you may lose traffic, the very thing that is makes your blog valuable to the eyes of advertisers.
Promote Products
You can promote and advertise products for certain advertisers right on your content itself. Some companies and online services offer advertising opportunities that require you to write about a certain product or service. You can write articles or reviews about them according to specifications set by the advertiser. If you are sensitive with how other people think of your blog, you might want to stay away from advertisers that require you to say only good things about their products or services. Stick with writing opportunities that does not compromise the integrity of your blog. Let your visitors know that you may be writing paid blog posts, but you are expressing your own thoughts and feelings about the product or service being reviewed or featured. Another way to promote products through your blog content is by participating in affiliate programs like that of In this program, you can link to a certain product on if you are talking about it on your blog post. If your visitors click on the link and purchases the product, you will get a cut from that particular sale. Some services offer cuts even if you just lead your visitors to visit their web site or view their product page.
Text Link Ads
This is probably the easiest way to make money from blogging. All you need to do is link to a web site or web page specified by the advertiser and that’s it. It requires minimal space on your blog so there is little risk of text link ads from being disruptive to your content. advertisers base their rates on a blog’s PageRank so the higher your PageRank is, the better your chances of getting a good deal from advertisers.
Solicit Contributions
It is possible to ask your visitors for some financial help especially if your content is proving really helpful for them or their business. This usually works if your blog is in some way advocating a certain cause or organization. It is better if your blog is actually affiliated with an organization that caters to a certain cause. Whether it is for charity or an open source project that you are involved with, people will find it easier to give you money if it’s for a worthy cause or a grand vision they can get behind. If your blog is not oriented this way, it’s advisable that you do not ask people for money because it will make your blog look cheap and yourself desperate.
Promote Your Own Services Or Business
Making money from blogging does not always involve directly getting paid for blog advertising or donations. You can use your blog to promote your offline business or your services. This is an excellent way to market your talents and business with a global audience and minimal fees.
Talk about what you can offer, focusing on your abilities that will prove highly useful to the specific audience that your blog attracts. If you are promoting your business, offer information on your services or products. If possible, give your visitors a way to make orders online or contact you if they have questions about your services or products. Using your blog to promote your talents or business saves you money in advertising and widens your audience. It will most likely increase the number of your clients.
Use Your Blog As Marketing And Customer Support Tools
Related to the previous money making option, using a blog to market or engage your clients is a great way to keep your business customer friendly. While the previous option attracts new clients to your business, this one helps maintain your existing clients by giving them insight and developments in your services or products. This will keep them informed and interested in what you are offering.
Your blog can also function as a customer support hub for your clients. You can place contact information on your blog. If you can, you may also place contact forms or a instant messaging link so you can provide live support. All of this is for the satisfaction of your clients and customers. Happy customers are loyal customers, and loyal customers are your constant source for regular income.

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