Linux web hosting vs. windows web hosting

The question of choosing web hosting platform between windows and Linux is as old as the web hosting business. It’s a big concern because the operating system controls all the activities and functions on a server. So it’s quite natural to pay a special attention while choosing a web hosting platform between windows and Linux. So let’s see how many options available in the market and which option will perform better for which website.

Generally we have three options available to choose in between, one is Windows, and second one is Linux and third is UNIX. But windows and Linux are commonly used operating systems because Linux and Unix Operating systems are similar with each other in many terms.

Microsoft Windows Web Hosting Servers

Microsoft Windows servers are most commonly using platforms due to their user-friendly interface and easy to use and handle. Windows servers’ operating systems are also very much compatible with all other Microsoft products and applications. One of the best points to go for windows hosting servers is its much compatibility with ASP (active server pages) and advanced ASP.NET. ASP and ASP.NET was developed by Microsoft to create dynamic websites and to link them with database like MS SQL. Microsoft servers operating system are also very compatible with almost all kind of third party applications.

Linux Web Hosting Servers

When we host our website on a Linux operating system based server, that’s called Linux web hosting. There is a lot of difference between windows and Linux operating systems. The major difference in these systems is price. Linux web hosting plans are quite affordable in comparison with windows. Price is always a big concern whenever we purchase something. Linux is an open source and free to use, providers creates many different and highly competitive prices for their clients.

The second and the best thing about the Linux which I like the most is its stability. Linux provides a very secure atmosphere to work with. There are a fewer virus are available that can attack Linux and Linux operating system is less prone to any kind of hacking or cyberattack.

Linux is also very compatible to almost all database systems and scripting languages. There is no need of licensing to use Linux except red hat. Most of the providers use Debian GNU/Linux system.

Hopefully, you understand the basic concepts of windows and Linux. Now the question is which service is to choose.

Actually, both the operating systems are comes with their unique and better features. Windows servers sometimes perform slowly because they have to pass many services to act something, but in case of Linux there is nothing like that.

In short, if you have a big website with huge database then go for windows hosting and if you are a newbie with a small website then choose Linux without any doubt.