6 Incredible On-Page SEO Tips to Attract 10000+ Visitors Every Day

Who else wants to get more search engine traffic to their blogs and websites?

Want to attract 100000+ visitors to your websites? Well, if that sounds like a rocket science for you, don’t fret much, I’ll walk you through SIX proven on-page SEO tips to get 100000 or more visitors every day.

Before diving into the details, I want to discuss few basic things about SEO.

SEO is basically of two types.

  1. On page SEO
  2. Off page SEO

On page SEO is the optimization that you do within your web pages whereas off page SEO is all about what you do out of your website to improve search rankings such as linkt building, bookmarking, social sharing etc.

On page SEO includes keyword optimization, using various keywords to rank higher in search engines and improving your site overall visibility in search engines. Here are few factors that impact your on page SEO rankings.

  • Your headlines/titles
  • Your sub headings
  • Anchor texts
  • Alt tags in images
  • Internal and external links
  • Keyword density

On-page SEO tips to get 100000 visitors every day

1. Put your primary keyword in the title tag

It doesn’t matter which keyword you want to rank for, always make sure to start your article title with your primary keyword. And also make sure to get a Google+ authorship so that you can dramatically improve your search engine click through rates.

Before writing articles, make sure to do a proper keyword research. Use free tools like Google Keyword Planner or WordStream to come up with great keyword ideas for your blog posts. Always focus on the keywords that are low competitive and high volume. That way you will be able to attract more unique visitors than you imagine even if you have a new website.

2. Use your primary keyword in first 100 words

One of the proven on page SEO tips to attract 100000 or more visitors to your blogs every day is to use your keywords in the beginning of your posts or pages. I strongly recommend you to put your primary keywords in the first 100 words on your articles.

Search engine crawlers give more weight to your keywords if use them in the beginning of the contents.

3. Don’t make your site loading time slower than 3 to 4 seconds

Did you know that slower loading websites kill your conversion rates and increase your website bounce rates?

According to a research, if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, your visitors will find another blog to know information they are seeking for. Google gives top priority to website loading time, if your site loads really faster (under 3 seconds), you’ll see more traffic flowing through your sites.

  • Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to make your site loading time faster
  • Don’t use too many plugins as they affect your website’s loading speed. As a rule of thumb, don’t use more than 15 plugins.
  • Use a better design to create a blazing fast website.

4. Long articles drive massive traffic from search engines

According to Neil Patel from QuickSprout, long and detailed articles with 2000+ words tend to recieve more search engine traffic for almost any keyword. And that doesn’t mean you have to write 2000+ word articles each and every time to get massive search traffic. Just make sure to write detailed articles for the competitive keywords that you are truly want to rank for.

That way you will be able to use a variety combination of keywords to increase your search engine rankings.

5. Always use long tail keywords

Long tail keywords are golden. If you are not using them on your web pages, you are just losing a lot of search traffic.

In simple terms, long tail keywords contain more than one keyword and they are more specific in nature. For instance, “blogging” is a short tail keyword where as “blogging tips” is a long tail keyword.

If you focus on using long tail keywords on your posts, you will tend to attract 100000 visitors every single day to your blogs easily. Also make sure to create more posts on your blogs as more posts that are detailed will help you increase your organic traffic.

6. Attract natural backlinks

Backlinks are the backbones of any profitable website that gets huge search engine traffic. Without other people linking to your posts or web pages, your site won’t get into top search results on Google. Without getting into first page of Google, you will hardly get any search traffic for your keywords. That’s the reason why you should be working really hard on building natural backlinks.

Most people only focus on creating content and promoting it, but they don’t spend their time and energy on building links. If you are one among them, stop doing that mistake and spend your time on attracting links from other sites. Here are few effective ways to attract natural backlinks to improve your search engine traffic.

  • Link out to other bloggers frequently. Email them when you link to them. Sooner or later they will also start linking to your posts if they find your content useful.
  • Write high quality content. If others like your content, they will definitely link to your posts no matter what.
  • Ask others to link to your posts. If you solve their problems, they won’t hesitate to linking to your posts.