So you have made up your mind for starting a blog. Great!
This is called taking the right decision at the right time. Do believe me, it is still high time to start a blog.
Never be afraid of watching millions of blogs already there. Not all of them are regularly being maintained. Thousands of them are just standing idle with one or two posts.
Thousands and thousands of them are just being run without any proper plan and strategy.
That is why many people wrongly believe blogging has lost its earning potential. It is absolutely wrong.
Blogging is a business and will remain a business where you will sell your products and earn money.
Don’t worry, I will guide you step by step to start a blog and make it successful.
So just stick to this post to the end and follow the points I mention in this post.
So read the above post first and then get back here and continue reading this post.
Do remember, starting a blog is a step-by-step process, and you must have the proper concept of each step.
Are you confident now?
I am sure you are damned serious to start your own blog because you have gone through the success stories of several pro bloggers.
You might have also learned that with proper planning, you can earn big money with your blog.
But you are still confused how to take the first step.
Don’t worry, in this post I will tell you what you need to do before starting a blog.
You need not buy any tutorial or any e-book for this purpose. You can take the first step by yourself.
Believe me, it is very easy. So keep reading this post till the end. Then share your comments how you found this post.
Don’t forget to drop your comments. I just want to know how much I succeeded to benefit you.
My sole purpose in this post is to help you create a blog properly:
- That doesn’t have any fault in its foundation
- That must have full potential to grow and make you earn money
- That eventually becomes a source of your full-time living
Do research before starting a blog
For starting a blog, it is good to do extensive research and be clear on what you want to do and how you will do that. The main objectives of your research should be:
- To have clear understanding of blogging
- To learn how to achieve success in blogging
- To know what are the latest trends of blogging
Let’s take a look at each point with a little detail
To have clear understanding of blogging
You need not be a scholar of blogging. Just shallow knowledge of;
What is blogging?
This I have discussed in my previous post.
What are the main challenges in blogging?
The main challenges of blogging are:
- Laying technical foundation which means selecting your niche, buying hosting and domain, buying blog template. This I will tell you in a subsequent post.
- Then establishing the blog.
- After that, you have to publish contents
- Do search engine optimization
- Promotion of contents on social media
- As soon as you attract huge traffic at your blog, you need to sell products and display ads at your blog to earn money.
What are key benefits of blogging?
With blogging, you learn;
- Creating a blog at WordPress or Blogger – the two most popular blogging platforms
- Online content writing
- Search engine optimization
- Social media optimization
- Earning money with your blog by selling products and displaying ads
How to do blogging?
For this purpose, either you need to do blogging on do-it-yourself basis or you join a training program to learn the blogging.
But here at this blog you will get complete solution of how to do blogging if you just read its last 20 posts. Not in one-go just read one or two posts daily to fully learn blogging.
How much time is required daily to run a blog?
It depends upon your blogging objective. If you are student or just finished your studies, then you should give as much time as you can to become a successful blogger quickly and earn money with it to manage your livelihood.
If you are doing a job, then do it on part-time basis and take your time to make your full-time living with it and then leave your day job.
How much money is required to start a blog?
You can start your blog without spending a penny.
But I won’t advise you to go for free options. If you do you won’t grow your blog as you can with premium way. Don’t worry you need to spend maximum 5 to 10 dollar per month to establish your own blog. This point I will discuss in detail in a subsequent post.
Two main questions before starting a blog
After having basic understanding of blogging you need to ask yourself following two questions and get their reply very honestly. If your replies are yes then keep going otherwise explore another opportunity to be successful in your life.
Do you have basic skills to do blogging?
Basic skills mean do you know to how to work online your computer or laptop. Do you know to how to read and write English? That’s all.
Do you really have interest in this field?
For replying this question I can’t guide you exactly. Just check your desire to become a blogger. Are you really serious or just want to do because its entry is so easy. I can advise you to check:
- Do you use computer and go online for fun only or for learning also. If for fun only so forget about it.
- Do you read or just glance at posts and blogs. If you read then bravo you can become a blogger.
- Do you wait for a long time without being irritated or get angry if someone doesn’t come on time. If you have patience to get results then do it otherwise not.
- Do you keep changing your plans or stick to them, finish the first and then go to second. If former is your habit then forget about blogging.
Learn how to achieve success in blogging
If you are serious for starting a blog then you must know the secret of success in blogging. One tip I give you here.
There is no secret of success in blogging
Everything is open secret in this field. You just need to know which formula will be your secret of success. For this purpose your research should be on:
- Success stories of famous bloggers
- Reasons of failures of those who could not have become successful bloggers
- What you must do to become a successful blogger?
- What you must not do to become a successful blogger?
- What are top blogs and how they are doing?
Know what latest trends of blogging are
Blogging is ever-changing field. You need to know what is going on right now for starting a blog.
New blogging products are being introduced. New rules are being made. You must have the complete view of them. Otherwise you may apply a trick that is obsolete now.
Again I say you need not to be a research scholar. You need to have a glance on all these points to have clear understanding for starting a blog.
Success rate remains higher if you start a business without any ambiguity. Blogging is a business. It’s not a gambling. Nor is any chance of shoot-up in this field in a short span of time. You need to be consistent with a lot of hard work in first six months.
So do your research for starting a blog and keep moving ahead.
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