Although you take all the possible preventive measures to chose the web-hosting provider for your website often there are some elements, which are left out in a frenzy to register with the web hosting company. Later when these come up at once will cause more frustration and bothering, so to keep away from hidden elements that are not noticed while, registering you have to read the agreement carefully to look for any hidden fees. Often some of the hidden fees are not meant to be for your eyes and are written in small letters and fine prints. Although many of these fees are mandatory and are applicable at the time of check out you need to be more attentive and cautious when you are selecting your web hosting plan and company as it may become more expensive in future.
Web Hosting tips for Hidden fees
Most of the times it has been noted that there are three main elements where hidden fees are most commonly applied. These three elements are discussed below along with precaution to be taken to avoid getting involved in such embarrassing and frustration situation.
1. Account set up fees
There are many web hosting service providers who charge account set up fees, which will boost the initial cost of web hosting plan. Most of the times these fees are charged at the time of check out and range anywhere from $10-$50 depending on the hosting plan purchased. Although there are some web hosting companies, which do not charge any account set up fees many novice webmasters fall prey to these hidden fees and end up expending more amount than desired.
2. Customer Service Fees
As there are some web hosting companies, which never apply any fees on the entire customer, and technical support they provide to their customers there are many other web hosts, which charge fees for all the customer service, and technical support they have provided to their customers. So whenever you see and 24/7 customer service make sure that they never apply any fees for the services and support they will be providing.
3. Fees related to domain transfer and ownership
These fees are typically charges when someone shifts their website from one service provider to another. So is better inquiring about these fees before opting to use their services for transfer of your website. On the other hand, some web-hosting providers will provide you free domain for lifetime or for specific period. When you avail this facility, actual ownership of the domain remains with the company and they charge you with domain ownership fees on regular basis and when you do not comply with these terms the domain are again transferred to the hosting company. So it is better to inquire whether you are the rightful owner of the domain name and you website or else it is just an illumination.

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